Sunday, 26 January 2014

Master Copy Painting project

Here is Sarah's work on her Master Painting project. Overall she did fairly well! She is surprised with how well the coloured version came out on her final painting since she had been struggling with the colours on the thumbnails previous. She still has a couple touch ups to do but she figured its not going to change to much so she allowed us to post this a week early! Sarah really wants to get on the wall with this one but she isn't feeling overly confident that she will even though she worked over 10 hours on the final painting. I guess we will wait and see!

~Amelia signing off!

Textured Layout Drawings

Original Style

Realistic Texture

Imagined Texture

Well what do you know, Sarah is keeping up with her vow to drawing cats! She has improved greatly on characterizing them, though she is not quite at the level she wants to be. Anywho, more on the project. Sarah actually had a lot of fun with this project, regardless of it being in pencil. It reminded her of her junior high drawing days. She hopes to get a good mark but the teachers marking scheme confuses her so she is not very confident on how well she will do. Good luck to her!


Bone Test

Welcome back everyone! Lets start this off with a bang! Or a slice? Here we have Sarah's bone test drawings! The first three were practice ones and the very last one was what she managed for her actual test. Sara got 100% on naming all the bones and got 79% on her actual drawing. 1% away from an A! Needless to say, congrats to Sarah for all her hard work! I believe she is pretty happy with the outcome!


We're back!

Hey everyone! We are back from our vacation! Sarah has been back in school for three weeks now but we were enjoying our time away so we are a little late to return! But none the less we are back and ready to keep you up to date with Sarah's work!

We have received word that Sarah did not do any drawing over the break. Being busy with chores, entertainment, and her boyfriend she had little to no time to herself but she had a great time

Sarah soon returned home after a trip that seemed much to short to her. She seems to really be missing home lately. Don't worry, reading week will be here soon. Being away from home has been effecting Sarah's moral and she has been questioning a lot whether she is heading down the right career path. Hang in there Sarah, I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end and that you will find a great job somewhere close to home.

We will start posting updates soon. Thanks for staying with us!

~Amelia                                                     ~Colby                                                    ~Eldridge